HRBC First Family
Pastor Jeremiah Griffin is a leader that believes leadership comes from being on the front lines of the battle. A graduate of Maranatha Baptist Bible College (now Maranatha Baptist University), Pastor Jeremiah brings the Word each week in keeping with the tradition of the church. Jeremiah loves Jesus and his family and peanut butter and jelly! Pastor’s hands-on-leadership style helps the church produce competent leaders in the various ministries of the Church.
Children listed left to right: Jessica, Chloe, Noah, Miriam, Cami, Jonah, Jack
Tancy Griffin is our first lady and wow what a woman! A homeschooling mother to seven children Tancy brings insight into the things of God as well as parenting. Tancy leads our women’s Bible study monthly and instructs the women in a wide range of skills. Tancy is working currently on a master’s degree in Educational Therapy and is in practice at Lydia Urban Academy in Rockford.
The Griffin Family consists of seven children ranging in age from seven to eighteen. Their older children are active in the ministries of the church as well as the community. We love watching the children grow up in the community and in the Lord. The younger children are all home-schooled together and the oldest attends Rock Valley. Pastor and Tancy Griffin are praying that God will allow them to adopt three more children and have opened their home for continued fostering and potential adoption.
Note: This page is a little outdated as The Griffin’s have adopted two more children and Tancy is back to homeschooling. We will update soon 🙂