What we Believe.
Halsted Road Baptist is an independent, autonomous, Bible governed, Baptist Church.
We are composed of the body and lead by our pastor and deacons in our pursuit of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As members of Halsted Road Baptist church we hold to the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message of the Southern Baptist Convention.

The Baptist Faith & Message 2000
Table Of Contents
- I. The Scriptures
- II. God
- III. Man
- IV. Salvation
- V. God’s Purpose of Grace
- VI. The Church
- VII. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
- VIII. The Lord’s Day
- IX. The Kingdom
- X. Last Things
- XI. Evangelism and Missions
- XII. Education
- XIII. Stewardship
- XIV. Cooperation
- XV. The Christian and the Social Order
- XVI. Peace and War
- XVII. Religious Liberty
- XVIII. The Family

Our Church Constitution
Our Church Covenant
Why a covenant?
Church Covenant Download